Sunday, October 3, 2010

Quit smoking the cold turkey way

I believe every smokers have heard about cold turkey way of quit smoking, but do they realize how and when they really start doing that? Many of them knowing there is one point in their life which they will stop smoking once and for all, but they fail to decide the actual date and cease smoking on the date set.

For one to stop smoking completely, I believe there is a strong reason behind it. Could it be the number one health reason that happens to themselves or their close family members or any other reasons, every smokers will go through more or less the same stages before stopping smoking.

1. Pre-comtemplation stage
You are just thinking to stop in the near future but actually don’t do so, but in your mind you know very well there will be some day.

2. Comtemplation stage
You are actively thinking about quitting smoking, maybe three or four times a day. But not serious enough to make you stop although you have tried few times but it seems that every times there will be another good reasons to overwrite your own excuses, such as “I’m under too much stress”, “I don’t want to gain weight” or “I don’t think I can do it”.

3. Preparation stage
This time you’re serious about stopping within the next coming month. Through some unsuccessful attempts in the past 12 months, you have tried various of ways like nicotine gum, patches, acupuncture, hypnotherapist or self will power.

4. Stopping stage
You will be experiencing the kick feeling due to the stop smoking habit. Beware of this important stage, make sure you get away from your smoking friends and get the encouragement from your good friends and family. Once you get the great way of quit smoking you can adapt to, then stick to it and set a date. A good tip to do this is making up a promise with the one you love.

5. Never turn back stage
After this, you’ll completely quit smoking and live a smoke free lifestyle. Keep it that way and never turn back.

Monday, April 26, 2010

2 effective ways of vaporizing tobacco

Everybody know tobacco smokers are exposed themselves to the risk of lung cancer and other diseases if they choose to continue burning the tobacco and inhaling the harmful smoke as per their normal routine way of smoking. Smoking not only harmful to the smoker themselves but it also affect those people around them. The smoke carries the tar residue travel through air which eventually adhere to any object close to it. Physically the people surrounding the smoker has become the second hand smoker too, they smell like smoking before, although in actual fact they don’t. The same kind of tar residue will stick to the non-smoker’s lung just like the way of the smoking puffing the burning tobacco.

No wonder more and more countries have started implementing the public rules to disallow smoking in public place especially those air-conditioned closure, cinema, restaurant, etc. Some companies or public places even setup a dedicated place for smoking area only. The reason is still the same, try to chase away the smoke if possible in a open-air isolated location. How today smokers wish they can get a better way of smoking the tobacco via vaporizing the plant? The following explains the right and effective choices you have to do so without investing much on the gadget.

The first choice would be the vaporizer. It is designed to heat up the tobacco between 140 °C (284 °F) – 200 °C (392 °F) in order to extract the nicotine without burning the tobacco. According to a clinical study by Department of Medicine, University of California, it is proven that vaporization tobacco via vaporizer is a smokeless delivery system, the instrument appear to be a safe and effective delivery of THC mode. It is simple to operate by putting the tobacco into a electrical or battery operated device and let it heated on a metal plate. No combustion involves, no smoke or taste of smoke present and The irritating and harmful effects of smoking are greatly reduced or eliminated. It is ideally to lower the concentration of carbon monoxide, a type of noxious gases.

Another way of vaporizing tobacco is using electric cigarette, quite similar with vaporizer but it requires pre-processing the tobacco. This device uses a nicotine liquid, which is a processed nicotine from tobacco, heat up to a certain temperature to vaporize the liquid. You’ll find that electric cigarette is cleaner in such way as compare with tobacco vaporizer due to it does not deal with tobacco and any left over material to be disposed. All you need is the device and consumable nicotine liquid.

Personally I feel that both ways are good to reduce smoke and carcinogen free in vapor form. Sometimes I use electric cigarette when on the move, it gives me free and easy way to enjoy the aroma without an ashtray. At home, I prefer to use the vaporizer. It gives me a kind of smoking feel especially I am using a pipe. Take the action now! Changing the smoking habit to a healthier way of vaporizing the tobacco. You’ll see the difference!